2018年10月26日 星期五


To all whom it may concern,

I have lived in this Condo (The Beverly) for about five years; I barely have any contact with my neighbors throughout my residence. Since last September, whenever I stand in my own balcony, I noticed the female resident who lives in the unit right beside my block, began harassing me. She will yell at me, e.g. you are not Singaporean why you stay here! Shame on you (I am Taiwanese holding PR, but I have no idea why she knows my personal information)or disturb me, e.g. holding power on vacuum stand on her balcony face to my home at night time. Even call the police at midnight when I was asleep, claiming I was making a lot noise. In the face of inexplicable accusations, I chose to avoid unwanted troubles in a rational manner, and ignored her.

During the past six months, there have been a lot of black and unknown filth on my windows, balcony and rooftop, thrown by the said neighbour. Initially I will clean them up, but after the frequent occurrence I am frustrated.

This Monday, when I was cleaning up the dirt again, this neighbour suddenly came out to hurl more dirt and sewage into my house and at me, making accusations that the filth she's hurling back at me came from the gold paper(金紙)that I was burning. However, the filth she hurled over are moss residue and cracked silicon from her uncleaned rooftop pool. She continued hurling dirt at my place.

(Video and photos record below. It may not look shocked, but she always attack me when I am alone, I need to avoid being dirty to record. PLEASE help me to share)
After I called the police several times and asked the Condo management to contact her husband, I got a reply that this woman has mental illness and aggressive deviation but there is no actual way to deal with it (her husband refuse to answer the call now). As a person who sympathizes with the ill, I put up with all her repeated accusations, insults and spiritual persecutions and disturbance to my household. But everyone's patience has limits, and my home should be a haven where I can relax.

Her unit is right beside my balcony, separated by a wall.
My dog began vomiting after accidentally ingesting the dirt she hurled over to my balcony yesterday, I know this has caused a strong uneasiness and threat to other The Beverly residents/my life. I scare that she might do even more crazy things to my family because my excessive concession.

I believe that government protects the people and has a sense of justice. At my wits end, I can pleading her husband, The Beverly management, concerned department to give immediate medical attention and punishment for the inappropriate behavior of this woman. Return me a safe and secure life, don't let good residents suffer unreasonable mental stress and harassment, and stop her from undermining national image and ruining the hygiene and the environment.

我居住在Condo The Beverly大約五年的時間,期間我與鄰居很少往來聯絡;大約去年9月,當我站在我家陽台時,住在我同層隔壁棟,我從來沒接觸過的女性住戶,她開始大聲罵我,例如:妳不是新加坡人怎麼有臉站在這裡(我是台灣人,持有新加坡永久居民)?或是騷擾我,例如,假日夜晚拿著開啟電源的吸塵器長時間站在陽台對著我家;甚至在半夜在我已睡時報警說我家有大聲噪音,面對莫名無來由的指控和歧視,我一直選擇以理性不理會的方式避免滋生困擾。


我在報警多次並請求Condo管理階層與該女丈夫聯繫後,得到該女在精神狀況不穩定及有攻擊性的回答,但卻沒有任何實際的處理行為,其丈夫現在也已經拒接電話。基於同情病人的立場,我對她每天反覆的指責、辱罵與精神迫害皆是包容忍受。但每個人的耐心都有限度,「家」更是應該讓人放鬆休息的地方;該住戶與我家陽台僅一牆之隔,在我的狗昨天意外舔到她丟進我家陽台的污穢物而嘔吐的此刻起,我無法再忽略這對The Beverly居民/我的生活造成了極大的不安及危脅,我擔心我的退讓會造成她更失控的行為或是我無法想像的後果,我決定站出來面對困難,讓大家知道這件事,也希望可以得到協助。

我相信這裡是兼容並濟、保護國民和有法治的國家。我在無助的情況裡,只能在此懇求The Beverly 管理階層及政府相關單位針對該女性不適當行為給予適當的醫療與懲治,還我一個安全安心安寧生活,而非放任善良居民受到不合理的精神壓力及騷擾,破壞此國家形象、損毀住家衛生與環境。
